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Chatbots – Delivering the Boost to Their Social Media Marketing Strategy

Chatbots have been the talk of the technological world for a long time now. They are automated systems that operate on a chat platform. They have become an essential part of technology just as the web was decades ago. Experts believe that chatbots will rule the world in the coming future. As per a recent…

Shopify vs Woocommerce – The battle of eCommerce platforms

Starting and choosing a platform for an online store has always been a difficult task. There are plenty of eCommerce platforms available for setting up all kinds of online stores. Some provide high-end solutions while some provide limited services. Some platforms cater to small businesses while some are the best choices for large-scale businesses. However,…

React or Angular 2: The Best Choice for 2018

Currently, web designing is taking a splash with the new JavaScript technologies. Every year, new technologies come in and old ones fade out. Programmers have to be adaptable to pick and choose relevant new technologies. Also, businesses have to be quick to try the new technologies in the town. Choosing the right framework is important…

11 Reasons to Choose Shopify for your E-commerce Store

With multiple platforms available for e-commerce site development, it becomes tricky to choose the ideal one for your needs. If one needs to initiate an online store and choose the best platform, it is essential that it ticks the right boxes. In that case, we feel that Shopify fits the bill of being one of…

What can you do with AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework introduced by the giant Google. It is an open source framework that uses HTML as a backbone. It excels at building single page web applications and the dynamic ones. The newer version i.e. AngularJS 2.0 is a big change when compared to the previous version. The developers can see a…

Best eCommerce Platforms for 2018

You finally want to migrate to an online store instead of a physical store.  But taking the leap into the online world of eCommerce is tricky, as you need to figure out an efficient e-commerce platform that could work for your online store. With a variety of e-commerce platforms in the market, it is evident…

8 Points Needs to Consider while Optimizing Google Shopping Feeds

Product Listing Advertisements (PLA) by Google is a popular advertising platform that fetches product data from Google Merchant Center and displays it systematically for increased clicks. For running a streamlined PLA campaign, one needs to setup a seamless shopping campaign in Google Adwords with proper planning and management. To boost conversion ratio and sales from…

TeamZestard Picnic (Apr 2016)

The benefits of a company picnic are significant and can reach far beyond the single day’s activities. Well, we never think too technically when it comes to enjoying with our Teammates! Yes, after a long… most awaited day of Picnic was spent well with zest and zeal by TeamZestard at the Picnic held on 9th…

Zestard at First Meteor Ahmedabad Meetup

As announced and shared on social media, recently, Zestard participated in first Meteor Ahmedabad Meetup in Ahmedabad on 31st Dec'16, and we were proud co-sponsor of the event. This Meteor Meetup was organized by our Project Manager Dipali Vyas, and as a representative of Zestard, she also presented her introductory talk on the Meetup, Motive…

Zestard is co-sponsoring First Meteor Ahmedabad Meetup

Being a Meteor Partner, we are glad to co-sponsor the First Meteor Ahmedabad Meetup. #MeteorMeetupAhm is on Sunday, 31st Jan '16. #MeteorMeetupAhm is supported by #ZestardTechnologies and #GDGAhmedabad We will give more details about the meetup and our participation soon in next blog post. Click here, for more details on our Meteor Partnership, technology and…

Sitemaps – Its importance to Websites

A sitemap is a list or diagram which represents the hierarchical structure of the HTML pages in the website. It is a website designing planning tool. In other words it is a way to tell Google and other search engines about one’s website pages which might not be discoverable otherwise. The main aim of creating…

Zestard is now METEOR Partner

Glad to announce Zestard’s recent Association  – "We are now Meteor Partner" ! Zestard Technologies had plunged in to Full Stack Development with Meteor for two of our Esteemed Clients this year(2015). This has helped our customers for Faster, scale-able Application development and just after that we started digging more in to Meteor Technology and…

Zestard is now Magecloud Partner

Glad to announce Zestard’s recent Association  – "We are now Magecloud Partner" ! Zestard Technologies, as a global software outsourcing company offering Magento Development, Theme Integration, Customization and Bespoke Extension Development services have joined hands with MageCloud this month. This Strategic Partnership is providing new opportunity for all Zestard’s Magento Extension users for ease in downloading…

October Luncheon by Team Zestard

After a series of celebration in last few months, TeamZestard Planned for October’15 Luncheon at City Corner Restaurant, Ahmedabad. Normally, all the Zestard Teammates try to be together in lunchtime in the office, but our work schedule or meetings doesn’t allow us to make it so properly that our Teammates had proposed Idea of Lunch Outing…

Why is Software Testing required?

Software Testing is the process of evaluation a software product to detect differences between given input and expected output. Testing assesses the quality of the product or project or task. Software testing is a process of Quality Control(QC) that should be done during the development service or process. In other words software testing is a…